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Sprouting 101 + Karen's French Vanilla Rawnola (What to Sprout!)

Hi Everyone! Karmen here :) You may have seen my video on sprouting on the Karen's Holistic Health Facebook page, however, I wanted to get some sprouting tips down in writing for those of you that prefer the written word over audio! I'll also share the recipe for the rawnola I was sprouting ingre...

9 Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off!

Did you know…. Many people who are overweight have an underactive thyroid.   This means that the metabolism is s-l-o-w, and foods cannot be processed quickly enough into energy so it simply stores it away – yup, you guessed it – in fat cells.   Treating the underactive thyroid can be as easy a...

5 Steps For A Healthier Heart!

SUPER HEART HEALTH My consultations for A-fib (Atrial fibrillation) and irregular heart rhythms are at an all time high. With the rising prescription medication use, alcohol consumption, aspartame and food toxins being used in our food supply, (without regulation), and thyroid disorders, a hear...


3 Things 4U! New! Jam-Packed Mineral Series Eliminating Charlie Horses FOREVER FREE Audio Download!  CHARLIE HORSES BE GONE! Tepoe again, comin’ atcha live from my laptop!  I’m fairly active on Social Media, including a couple of Holistic Living Groups and our growing...

Top Sleep Tips from 3 Health Experts (for anyone who enjoys sleep or funny animal pictures)

☀️ Hello there, Sunshine! ☀️ How was your sleep last night on a scale of 1-10?  (1 is as restless as the neighbor's barking dog, and 10 is a bear in hibernation) Does your partner snore?  Do you toss and turn? Were you completely out like this dog Skip?  Do you hold yoga poses even in you...