Remarkable Success Stories (to give you goosebumps and HOPE!)

One of the best parts of working in the holistic world is hearing people’s success stories! Can I hear a hallelujah?
I LOVE checking my email and phone. Whether it's a text from one of my clients or hearing from a TNC, I don’t have enough hours in the day to share the amazing stories that come in each week. Parents and individuals are discovering the root cause to health problems once and for all, and regaining control of their health.
Here are some recent successes… Positive you'll enjoy!
A few months ago, Daniel of Las Vegas said:
“I have trouble focusing and I can’t remember, this brain is driving me crazy!”
After tweaking a couple things in his diet and adding Lion's Mane to his morning smoothie (a medicinal mushroom powder) he told me last week:
“It’s like I have this index file in my brain and I can think through all of the notes quickly now, and remember things! I love Lions Mane and will stand behind it forever. Thanks Karen!”
“Karen, I started having mini seizures and couldn’t sleep at night. I remembered what you taught in class about Smart Meters and transients, so I flipped my bed to sleep with my feet by the wall instead of my head. No more seizures! Such a small change with such a huge result. I just ordered capacitors too, this all now makes sense. Thank you forever!” - Marilyn, West Bend, Wisconsin
“Our sons gut pain was so intense. The DGL, cabbage, and your suggestions for H. pylori started working immediately. We can’t wait to see what happens this week on his full protocol. Thank you.” - Ruth in St. George, Utah
“Dear Karen, six months ago I had over 20 warts on my hand and now they are almost completely gone. Thank you a million times for that! I am in your debt!” Paul in Cedar City, Utah
Knowing what to do is not a secret.
Hear Sarah's story of her son, shared with us this morning...
“We’d been treating him since he was 2 for asthma (so for 12 years), and when he would do his treatments, his face would go green and he’d go limp. We moved to a new area, but he just wasn’t doing better and his allergies got worse.
He had a bacterial infection, and the hospital decided it was probably cancer, and they said they wanted to do chemo treatment to see if that would help.
We met Karen, did a scan, and found out the problem was his heart, not his lungs. We started on a protocol to heal his heart and strengthen it, and heal a bacterial infection. After 2 weeks of doing Karen’s protocol, he was off the couch, told me he just played soccer and went outside to feed the animals, which he hadn’t done in months.
The thing was, his lungs were open-- the problem was his heart wasn’t pumping that blood strong enough to his whole body.
He did his protocol, and now within about 4 months, he’s clear off all his asthma medication and all his allergies. He is doing so very good and feels so much better. He can be a boy and not have to worry about croaking over.
He had decided it was his time to die, and for a 14-year-old to think that…. For a mother to hear that...
And then for his health--his life--to pick up within just a matter of weeks, and for him to be able to be outside again is so very amazing.”
This is the best job in the world!
(Oh, and Sarah signed up to become a TNC along with Daniel and his two daughters!)
Our communities need more people with this knowledge.
Our certified TNC’s love their jobs and their education has paid for itself multiple times over and over!
Now... If you are not looking for a certification, then stay tuned for our upcoming Human Body Master Course, a solution-oriented online program that consolidates the advice of our favorite health experts across the nation into one place! It is not a certification and does not train you how to help others, but it is the ultimate reference guide. (YES TNC’s will get the HBMC at a fraction of the cost).
Call Amy (801-602-8816) or Rachel (702-300-3512) if you have any questions about the TNC program, to set up a payment plan, or if you need questions deciding what is best for you.
Have a great week everyone!
Karen Urbanek, Your Cell Loving Friend!
One more note...
I received this note from a new online TNC student a few weeks ago:
“Hi Karen, I had to send you a note. I have been spending all my free time moving forward with the TNC course. I am so totally enthralled! The reason I had to send this note is that last night I happened to run into some old friends I haven't seen in over a year. (I live in Denver and there are 6 million people here, so the chance of crossing paths is almost nonexistent) They are suffering with plenty of health issues. I started sharing the things I learned at your Tips and Tools class, as well as what I have been studying in the TNC course. I just want to say, the ripple effect of you and your hard work is at work helping others. Thank you for this opportunity!” - Joelle, Denver Colorado
P.S.S. Do you see why I always say HALLELUJAH!?
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