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[BODcast Episode 21] Karen vs. C@V!D


Karen’s Personal Kick-Covid Protocol!

After many weeks of traveling almost nonstop, getting sleep deprived from acute nerve pain, and hanging with millions in NY who had been vaccinated, my body must have decided it had enough! After helping others overcome the health effects of this sickness for the past 16 months, I realized how grateful I was for personally experiencing "Covid!!" That may sound crazy, but for one, there’s nothing that comes remotely close to natural immunity so I’m glad to now have the antibodies, and secondly, I had researched and prepped beforehand to have almost everything in my home in case anyone got this. When the time came, the struggle was real, but BOOM, we won!  AND SO CAN YOU!

I’m soooooooo excited to share what helped the most on this journey. There are items you may have at home and others you may not even be aware of.  There’s so much you can do right in your own home!  YOU GOT THIS!

My Personal Protocol

At-home “Hydroxychloroquine”-like recipe: Using a recipe from the Frontline Doctors, I made this by simmering the rinds of 3 grapefruit and the rinds of 3 lemons in 3-5 cups of water for 3 hours. (Not the juice or pulp, just the rinds). I took 2-4 TB 2-3 times a day.  You can also get the tablet or pill form from a Naturopathic Doctor or a Medical Doctor.

Ivermectin – I took 4 of the 5mg IR (immediate release) oral capsules a morning (20MG/day).  I ordered Ivermectin from a source you can order it as well HERE so I have stock in case anyone else gets sick in the future and it is GREAT to take to prevent Covid as well. And yes, I am one of those who also has a box of Ivermectin from the feed store…Ivermectin after all IS Ivermectin, some versions just have different filers! (I do not make any money when you purchase ivermectin from the site mentioned.) 

Frontline doctors encourage people who don't have access to ivermectin to use black cumin seed (nigella) as a replacement, 40mg/kg daily.

CGS/ Copper Silver Gold Shield from Hydrazorb – 2-3 droppers full via mouth PLUS 2-dropper fulls in the nebulizer each day.  If interested in ordering a 4oz bottle for $250 please contact us directly [email protected]. Yes it’s expensive but IT WORKS!  (They are not yet selling the full spectrum on their site, only the cooper and silver formula, so you need to find someone to order it, sorry.)  There is plenty you can do if you do not have this product!  Keep reading!  

Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide **- A LIFE SAVER- I used a nebulizer with the following liquid solution 2 times a day – this changed my cough OVERNIGHT! I imagine you could use this 3 times a day – but I felt best with 2 times. Following is what I did. Please remember I am not a medical doctor and anyone nebulizing should do their own research on the ingredients and contact their medical professional. 

Purchase saline solution or make your own by mixing 1 teaspoon of unprocessed salt (Himalayan, Celtic, or Realsalt) into 16 oz (2 cups) of distilled water. Mix well. This will give you a 0.9% saline solution. Ideally you want to use a food grade hydrogen peroxide as it does not have any harmful stabilizers.  You should be able to find it in the fridge or freezer of a quality health food store. Take 15 oz of the saline solution and add ¼ tsp only of the 35% Hydrogen peroxide which will leave you with a .1% concentration. If you are using 3% Hydrogen peroxide from a corner store, then you would want to combine ¼ tsp of the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with 7 ¼ tsp of saline for the .1% concentration.  

I used 1.5 tsp of this solution, 1-1.5 dropperfuls of the CSG, and 1 drop nascent iodine in my nebulizer morning and night.  (If you are using 5% Lugol’s Iodine solution add one drop, 2% Lugol’s iodine solution 2 drops.) Store mixture in fridge.  If I did not have the CSG then I would use a full 2 teaspoons of the Hydrogen Peroxide/Saline mixture and the 1 drop of iodine. 🙂

IMPORTANT NOTES: Never use metal to measure or stir when working with Hydrogen peroxide. 35% Hydrogen peroxide needs to stay in the fridge or freezer to remain stable. Never add hydrogen peroxide to Distilled water directly – always add a pinch of salt. I recommend storing the solution in a labeled glass jar in the fridge. 

Dr. Jones’ Respiratory Prep Kit – I ordered this kit the first day it was available just to have on hand, and I am GLAD I did! Doc Jones is a HOOT of a doctor and one of my friends. I took four of the eight products in this amazing kit and felt it immediately! As I knew I was dealing with some cytokine imbalance, his Cytokine balance formula was perfect.  I also took Respiratory AZMA, EXP and COF four times a day. You can mix all herbs together, so this was an easy tonic I made three to four times a day.  This is a FANTASTIC well rounded respiratory kit for all respiratory needs ever! Thanks Doc Jones! You can order it HERE. (I may make $6 on this order, if my affiliate link works.😎)

Nascent Iodine – I took this almost daily – 2-4 drops in water and then 1 drop in the nebulizer recipe above

Vitamin D3 2000IU from Megafood* - 4-5 a day (If taking an isolate product, recommendations would be: up to 50,000 units of vitamin D3 per day for four days only.  Then 2,000 IU for every 25 pounds of body weight.)

Ultra-Vitamin C from Megafood* – 2-6 a day. As Vitamin C is water soluble I take it every two hours. (If taking an isolate product, recommendations would be: 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per hour during waking hours until you are feeling better.)

Zinc from Megafood* 2-3 a day

Quercetin – 2-3 a day or consult with your doctor

Spirulina Tablets from the Health Ranger – 8-20 a day .  I took this as it provided great nutrition when it was hard to eat.

I used STIFF pain relief cream from Mother Trucker on my neck and back and anywhere I had muscle pain.  I LOVE THIS!  Hope Zvara (one of my BFF’s) created it! (No I do not get a kickback - just love her product!)

AO and AO Mobile Scanning! Ok, this may be new to many of you, but I have been using biofeedback and bio resonance for our family and my clients since 2010.  EVERYTHING IS ELECTRIC! Therefore, I used the AO Unit to scan my lungs, heart, chromosomes and to give frequency treatments to enhance the health of my body. If you are interested in learning more, please join us each Tuesday as we chat about the amazing units and how to use them at home! There is also info on our AO Website., and Colain White (801-455-2215) and Tammy McArthur (307-871-8424) will take a call anytime to help!

THE FRONT LINE DOCTORS HAVE FANTASTIC PREVENTION AND TREATMENT SUGGESTIONS. Please visit their website for other detailed suggestions!!

Other things I did OR learned after more research including items I took during Covid without daily dosing:

Herbal Iron – a must! Seems like many of those suffering with Covid and /or transmitting/"shedding" deal with blood that is clotting and thus iron nor oxygen is not available as it normally would be. Even after feeling better my iron was low so I took herbal and food based iron until the levels were better.

Aspirin  As clotting happens with the Covid and/or viral shedding I found it very important to take an aspirin each day.  I actually had live blood cell analysis done by a close friend of mine and my blood was CLOTTING HARD CORE!  ME!  Healthy vibrant me!  That is what Spike Proteins do when they are in the body. So immediately I started on aspirin to help that issue.  I have never taken or recommend aspirin, but you can not deny the help it gives instantly to clotting blood - which YOU MAY HAVE if you too get this variant.

A better and more natural alternative to aspirin is to alternate digestive fibrinolytic enzymes  lumbrokinase and serrapeptase.  Take lumbrkinase one day then serrapeptase the next for three months. I jumped on this when I researched this protocol with Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Peter McCullough.  I feel anyone who had COVID-19, especially if they had significant symptoms, should consider taking digestive fibrinolytic enzymes to make sure they eliminate clotting even for a few months after they feel better, if not long term.

Melatonin - Dr. Mercola wrote a fantastic paper showing patients hospitalized with pneumonia and COVID-19 who were given high-dose melatonin as an adjunct therapy to standard of care improved within four to five days, and all survived.  Melatonin also inhibits the cytokine storm associated with critical SARS-CoV-2 infection. It inhibits sepsis (blood poisoning), associated with an overactive immune response. He also states Melatonin  helps regulate and improve risk factors for severe COVID-19, such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance and diabetes. (See the full article below.)

Move as much as you can, even if it’s a few steps. This will keep your blood moving.  If you have a vibrating plate to stand on, or if there is any exercise you feel you can do do it! 

Some days I took oil of oregano, Dr. Cristopher’s Cough Syrup, Doterra lozenges (both the Breath and the OnGuard), Vitamin A, and I LAUGHED!  I needed to stay positive! 

I did lose my taste and smell but both came back within days using the above protocol.  You may not be able to talk much because you may cough, but you can sure text friends and loved ones and enjoy some downtime catching up on a funny movie or two!

I was HUNGRY – starving actually.  THAT was the worst part.  I suggest everyone have organic soups, berries, anything you can just grab already in your home.  Because I had been traveling for months, I put off shopping, so I came home to just some basic things in the cupboard and freezer, and I make everything from scratch and eat RAW!  So my husband shopped and helped get whatever he could into me.  Lilly (our 17 year old daughter) went to hug me on day 7 or so and was like ‘MOM! WHERE ARE YOU!” so she went immediately to the kitchen and made all sorts of food to fill me up. Yup – you may lose weight but try to keep up on nutrition! 

We invested in a Hyperbaric Chamber years ago, and with stunning results from those who used one during and after their Covid experiences, I jumped in there many days, and it helped with my breathing and blood. I also know that HEAT does wonders so I was in my sauna every other day. 

That is my story and what I recommend you have in your homes for life!  If you feel like you may be starting with Covid, or you are traveling, I would consider using the nebulizer and the solution ASAP.  I believe (and many have reported) it may stop Covid in a day or two. Had I had known then what I know now……but I will never travel without this formula again! To remind you, I am not a medical doctor, these are only my personal experiences and thoughts.

And just a fun note, before I left for my last trip, I was working with a 18month old boy who had all the signs of Covid.  They were traveling so I suggested they make the “Hydroxychloroquine” recipe above while they were in their hotel, and it reversed the babies’ issues in two days! The whole family, grandparents included, took it their whole trip and no one got sick. They are now on the CSG daily.

For those living in sunny Southern Utah, you can contact Dr. Stephen Doughty of the Gentle Healing Center for a prescription for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. The short phone consultation was $75 and the Ivermectin was $118 from Hurricane Pharmacy.  You can hop on the website and click on “new patient registration.” Enter all your information and select a 15-minute time slot for a phone consult. If you have any problems, text his sweet wife Becky at 435-319-5088 for help registering. If you have an urgent need then text Becky! They will get you a prescription that same day! Super sweet folks.

TO STAY HEALTHY AND PREVENT OR RECOVER FROM COVID: -"Ozonotherapy is the use of medical grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a curative response in the body." Ozonated creams are GREAT! - Fantastic research - Quick Guide to VitaD3&C NAC Honey&BlackCumin Zinc + Elderberry GreenTea & “Zinc Ionophores” 

Judy Anne Mikovits and the Front Line Doctors have written books, share downloads on preventative and curative care for COVID, and appear all over the "safe" internet sharing!  BE AWARE: Pine Needle Tea is NOT something she nor the Front Line Doctors recommend. A FAKE website with her name are selling this - and it is NOT to be used. 

0.4 mg × kg × day.




My life isn’t going to make me happy, My HAPPINESS is going to make my LIFE!



I am not a medical doctor.  Please consult with your medical doctor before making any lifestyle changes or using any of the above protocol I mentioned as it may not be the correct fit for you.  

* Megafood makes whole food supplements. I do not recommend anything but whole food supplements made from foods our body can recognize 😇.

** In my research I found Dr. David Brownstein had successfully treated patients for COVID-19 using nebulized hydrogen peroxide and iodine. To read about peer reviewed cases and his full protocol, click here. 


Melatonin — A Standard of Treatment Adjunct for Acute Infections?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked


  •   Recent research suggests melatonin may be an important adjunct to COVID-19 treatment

  •   Patients hospitalized with pneumonia and COVID-19 who were given high-dose melatonin as an adjunct therapy to standard of care improved within four to ve days, and all survived

  •   Melatonin inhibits the cytokine storm associated with critical SARS-CoV-2 infection. It also inhibits sepsis (blood poisoning), associated with an overactive immune response

  •   Melatonin helps prevent mitochondrial impairment, energy failure and apoptosis (programmed cell death) in mitochondria damaged by oxidation

  •   Melatonin also helps regulate and improve risk factors for severe COVID-19, such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance and diabetes

This article was previously published October 19, 2020, and has been updated with new information.

According to a June 2020 research paper,1 melatonin2,3 may be an important adjunct to COVID-19 treatment. Incidentally, while not emphasized, melatonin is an optional addition to the highly effective MATH+ protocol promoted by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC).4

President Trump's COVID-19 treatment5 was also said to include melatonin supplementation. The authors note that melatonin attenuates several pathological features of the illness, including excessive inammation, oxidation and an exaggerated immune response resulting in a cytokine storm and acute lung injury (ALI), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and, potentially, death.

"Melatonin, a well-known anti-inammatory and anti-oxidative molecule, is protective against ALI/ARDS caused by viral and other pathogens," the researchers state,6 adding:

"Melatonin is effective in critical care patients by reducing vessel permeability, anxiety, sedation use, and improving sleeping quality, which might also be benecial for better clinical outcomes for COVID-19 patients.

Notably, melatonin has a high safety prole. There is signicant data showing that melatonin limits virus-related diseases and would also likely be benecial in COVID-19 patients."

One of the things that makes melatonin so effective is that it doesn't just act as an antioxidant in and of itself; it also interacts with your body's innate antioxidant system where it recharges glutathione.7

High-Dose Melatonin to Combat COVID-19

A recent case series8 published in the journal Melatonin Research details how patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia who were given high-dose melatonin as an adjunct therapy to standard of care all improved within four to ve days, and all survived.

On average, those given melatonin were discharged from the hospital after 7.3 days, compared to 13 days for those who did not get melatonin. This is far better than the expensive treatment remdesivir, which costs over $3,000 and doesn't produce anywhere near this improvement.

However, the patients were given very large doses of melatonin, 36 mg to 72 mg per day in four divided doses. When used for sleep, you'd typically start with a dose of 0.25 mg and work your way up as needed.

Dr. Richard Neel and colleagues at Little Alsace and Uvalde Urgent Care clinics in Texas are also using high-dose melatonin in combination with vitamin C and vitamin D, and had as of the last week of July 2020 successfully treated more than 400 patients.9

Because of melatonin's potent antioxidant and anti- inflammatory activities, it would normally reduce the highly proinflammatory cytokine storm and neutralize the generated free radicals thereby preserving cellular integrity and preventing lung damage. ~ Medical Drug Discoveries June 2020

"I knew that nothing would work for everyone, but it is working for the majority. It is amazing what melatonin is doing for most patients," Neel told Kayleen Holder, editor of Devine News.10

Melatonin Inhibits COVID-19-Induced Cytokine Storm

Another paper,11 published in June 2020 in the journal Medical Drug Discoveries, describes the mechanics by which melatonin inhibits the cytokine storm associated with critical SARS-CoV-2 infection. As explained by the authors:12

"A causative factor related to the hyper-inammatory state of immune cells is their ability to dramatically change their metabolism. Similar to cancer cells ... immune cells such as macrophages/monocytes under inammatory conditions abandon mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for ATP production in favor of cytosolic aerobic glycolysis (also known as the Warburg effect) ...


The change to aerobic glycolysis allows immune cells to become highly phagocytic, accelerate ATP production, intensify their oxidative burst and to provide the abundant metabolic precursors required for enhanced cellular proliferation and increased synthesis and release of cytokines ...

Because of melatonin's potent antioxidant and anti-inammatory activities, it would normally reduce the highly proinammatory cytokine storm and neutralize the generated free radicals thereby preserving cellular integrity and preventing lung damage."

Melatonin Plays Important Roles in Mitochondrial Function

Importantly, the Medical Drug Discoveries paper points out that while melatonin was initially thought to be exclusively synthesized in the pineal gland, researchers have now demonstrated that it is actually synthesized in mitochondria, which means melatonin production occurs in most cells, including human lung monocytes and macrophages.

For those of you who might be familiar with melatonin, this is quite surprising as it has been commonly accepted for the past 50 years that the sole source of melatonin was the pineal gland. This is quite an amazing breakthrough to nd out it is actually produced in the mitochondria, which are in every cell in your body except your red blood cells.

In healthy cells, melatonin synthesis in mitochondria occurs when the glucose metabolite pyruvate enters the mitochondria. Glucose is a six-carbon molecule and is divided into two three-carbon molecules of pyruvate. Once the pyruvate is inside the mitochondria, it is subsequently metabolized into acetyl-coenzyme A.

Presumably, a low-carb, high-fat diet that produces large amounts of ketones should provide similar benets as the ketones are directly metabolized to acetyl-coenzyme A. As explained in the Medical Drug Discoveries paper:13

"In the absence of acetyl-coenzyme A, mitochondrial melatonin is no longer available to combat the inammatory response or to neutralize the generated

reactive oxygen species and the massive damage that occurs in the respiratory tree resulting in the primary signs of COVID-19 disease.

Importantly, endogenous melatonin production diminishes markedly with age especially in frail older individuals. This is consistent with the more serious nature of a COVID-19 infection in the elderly."

Other research, including a Frontiers of Bioscience paper14 published in 2007, has pointed out that melatonin helps prevent mitochondrial impairment, energy failure and apoptosis (programmed cell death) in mitochondria damaged by oxidation.

Melatonin may even help regulate gene expression via certain enzymes,15 and helps regulate autophagy in certain pathological conditions.16 According to the authors, "Most of the benecial consequences resulting from melatonin administration may depend on its effects on mitochondrial physiology."17

Melatonin Helps Protect Against Sepsis

Sepsis (blood poisoning) is another common outcome of an unhealthy immune response to infection, and melatonin may play an important role in preventing this as well. Evidence for this can be found in a Journal of Critical Care paper18 published in 2010. According to the authors:19

"Melatonin is an effective anti-inammatory agent in various animal models of inammation and sepsis, and its anti-inammatory action has been attributed to inhibition of nitric oxide synthase with consequent reduction of peroxynitrite formation, to the stimulation of various antioxidant enzymes thus contributing to enhance the antioxidant defense, and to protective effects on mitochondrial function and in preventing apoptosis.

In a number of animal models of septic shock, as well as in patients with septic disease, melatonin reportedly exerts benecial effects to arrest cellular damage and multiorgan failure ...

Apart from action on the local sites of inammation, melatonin also exerts its benecial actions through a multifactorial pathway including its effects as immunomodulatory, antioxidant and antiapoptotic agent."

In summary, melatonin appears to reverse septic shock symptoms by:20 Decreasing synthesis of proinammatory cytokines

Preventing lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced oxidative damage, endotoxemia and metabolic alterations

Suppressing gene expression of the bad form of nitric oxide, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)

Preventing apoptosis (cell death)

More recently, a 2019 animal study21 in the journal Frontiers in Immunology details how melatonin can protect against polymicrobial sepsis, i.e., sepsis caused by more than one microbial organism. A hallmark of polymicrobial sepsis is severe loss of lymphocytes through apoptosis, resulting in a twofold higher lethality than unimicrobial sepsis (sepsis caused by a single microbe).22

In this case, melatonin appears to offer protection by having an antibacterial effect on white blood cells called neutrophils. A high neutrophil count is an indicator for infection. According to the authors of the 2019 study:23

"Melatonin treatment inhibited peripheral tissue inammation and tissue damage ... consequently reducing the mortality of the mice. We found that macrophages and neutrophils expressed melatonin receptors.

Upon depletion of neutrophils, melatonin-induced protection against polymicrobial infection failed in the mice, but melatonin treatment in macrophage-depleted mice attenuated the mice mortality resulting from polymicrobial sepsis ...

The data from this study support previously unexplained antiseptic effects of melatonin during a polymicrobial infection and could be potentially useful for

human patients with sepsis."

Melatonin's Antiviral Effects

The scientic review paper,24 "Melatonin Potentials Against Viral Infections Including COVID-19: Current Evidence and New Findings," published October 2020 in the Virus Research journal, also summarizes the many potential mechanisms by which melatonin can protect against and ameliorate viral infections.

The authors review research looking at melatonin's benecial effects against a variety of viruses, including respiratory syncytial virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, viral hepatitis, viral myocarditis, Ebola, West Nile virus and dengue virus. Based on these collective ndings, they believe melatonin may offer similar protection against SARS- CoV-2.

One mechanistic basis for this relates to melatonin's effects on p21-activated kinases (PAKs), a family of serine and threonine kinases. They explain:25

"In the last decade, PAKs have acquired great attention in medicine due to their contribution to a diversity of cellular functions. Among them, PAK1 is considered as a pathogenic enzyme and its unusual activation could be responsible for a broad range of pathologic conditions such as aging, inammation, malaria, cancers immunopathology, viral infections, etc.

In a recent study conducted by Oh (2016), 'Chloroquine' (CQ) (an antimalarial drug used as an experimental medication in COVID-19 treatment protocol) was found to increase the expression of p21 that was downregulated by PAK1 in Th1 cells.

Furthermore, Lu and colleagues have shown that phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), a tumor-suppressing phosphatase, may prevent the coronavirus-induced Ag II-pathological vascular brosis through inactivation of PAK1.

Interestingly, melatonin exerts a spectrum of important anti-PAK1 properties in some abnormal conditions such as sleep disturbance, immune system effectiveness reduction, infectious disorders, inammation, cancer, painful conditions, etc.

It has been proposed that coronaviruses could trigger CK2/RAS-PAK1-RAF-AP1 signaling pathway via binding to ACE2 receptor. Although it is not scientically conrmed as yet, PAK1-inhibitors could theoretically exert as potential agents for the management of a recent outbreak of COVID-19 infection.

Indeed, Russel Reiter, a leading pioneer in melatonin research, has recently emphasized that melatonin may be incorporated into the treatment of COVID-19 as an alternative or adjuvant."

Melatonin for Viral Infections Including COVID-19

In summary, "Melatonin Potentials Against Viral Infections Including COVID-19: Current Evidence and New Findings" and other research referenced in the list below suggests melatonin may play an important role in SARS-CoV-2 infection by:26

Regulating immune responses and preventing cytokine storms

Quelling inammation and suppressing oxidative stress27

Combating viral and bacterial infections28

Regulating blood pressure (a risk factor for severe COVID-19)

Improving metabolic defects associated with diabetes and insulin resistance (risk factors for severe COVID-19) via inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)

Protecting mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs, which have been shown to ameliorate severe SARS-CoV-2 infection) against injuries and improving their biological activities

Melatonin — A Possible Vaccine Adjuvant?

Lastly, "Melatonin Potentials Against Viral Infections Including COVID-19: Current Evidence and New Findings" discusses the potential of using melatonin as a vaccine adjuvant, nothing that:30

"Even if [a COVID-19] vaccine would be established, vaccine ecacy is probably considered to be inferior for the elderly and other high-risk population groups compared to people who are healthy and young. The immune responses to vaccines have been shown to be limited in the aforementioned groups because of a weakened immune system.

Therefore, using immunomodulatory agents such as melatonin as an effective adjuvant besides vaccination may boost the vaccine's effectiveness in patients with both compromised and healthy immune systems.

As above-mentioned, melatonin is capable of enhancing the count of natural killer and CD4+ cells and amplifying the production of cytokines needed for effective vaccine response. Furthermore, sleep deprivation weakens immune response to viral infection, and melatonin has been proved to be a critical factor in improving sleep quality."

Melatonin Works Synergistically With Vitamin D

Interestingly, a paper31 published in the May 2020 issue of The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology stresses the synergistic effects between melatonin

Promoting both cell-mediated and humoral immunity

Promoting synthesis of progenitor cells for macrophages and granulocytes, natural killer (NK) cells and T-helper cells, specically CD4+ cells

Inhibiting NLRP3 inammasomes29

and vitamin D. Not only does melatonin enhance vitamin D signaling, the two molecules act synergistically to optimize your mitochondrial function.

I've written many articles detailing the importance of vitamin D optimization to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and more serious COVID-19 illness. The evidence for this is frankly overwhelming, and raising vitamin D levels among the general population may be one of the most important prevention strategies available to us. To learn more, please download my vitamin D report, available for free on According to the authors of this May 2020 paper:32

"A deciency of these molecules has been associated with the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension, neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, kidney diseases, cancer, psychiatric disorders, bone diseases, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes, among others.

During aging, the intake and cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D, as well as the endogenous synthesis of melatonin are remarkably depleted, therefore, producing a state characterized by an increase of oxidative stress, inammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction ...

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been related to the etiologies of many complex diseases where overactivation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), vitamin D deciency and the reduction of melatonin synthesis converge.

In this sense, experimental and clinical evidence indicates that inammation, oxidative stress, as in mitochondrial dysfunction, are consistent with low levels of melatonin and vitamin D, and also represent risk factors connected with development and maintenance of prevalent acute and chronic pathologies."

Simple Ways to Optimize Your Melatonin and Vitamin D

While there are likely many benets to supplementing with oral vitamin D3 and melatonin, it makes no sense to do so unless you also optimize your body's own


The good news is it's relatively simple and inexpensive to increase your melatonin and vitamin D levels. To optimize your vitamin D, I recommend getting sensible sun exposure on large portions of your body on a regular basis, ideally daily.

If for whatever reason you cannot get sucient amounts of sun exposure, consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement (along with a little extra vitamin K2 to maintain a healthy ratio between these two nutrients, and magnesium to optimize vitamin D conversion).

I personally have not taken any oral vitamin D for well over 10 years and my levels are typically over 70 ng/mL, even in the winter, but as I am now older than 65, I have started taking sublingual melatonin even though I sleep in pitch dark and get bright sun exposure around 85% of the time during the day.

Optimizing your melatonin production starts with getting plenty of bright sunlight during the day, as this helps "set" your circadian clock. Then, as the evening wears on and the sun sets, you'll want to avoid bright lighting.

Blue light from electronic screens and LED light bulbs is particularly problematic and inhibits melatonin the most. If you need lighting, opt for incandescent light bulbs, candles or salt lamps. The blue light from electronic screens can be counteracted by installing blue-blocking software such as Iris,33 or wearing blue-blocking glasses.

My decision to personally use melatonin supplementation makes even more sense now that we understand that melatonin is not only produced in the pineal gland (which would benet from circadian optimization), but also in our mitochondria. So, it appears that additional melatonin could serve as a useful adjunct in modulating your immune response.

Sources and References

1, 6 Life Sciences June 1, 2020; 250:117583
2 Psychology Today May 8, 2020
3 Chronobiology Melatonin May Help Fight Coronavirus


4 Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) 5 Insider October 6, 2020
7 Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2006 Jun;27(3):365-8
8 Melatonin Research 2020; 3(3)

9, 10 July 22, 2020
11, 12, 13, 15, 17 Medical Drug Discoveries June 2020; 6:100044
14 Front Biosci. 2007 Jan 1;12:947-63
16 Virus Research October 2, 2020; 287: 198108, Melatonin and its potentials
18, 19, 28 Journal of Critical Care 2010 Dec;25(4):656.e1-6
20 Journal of Critical Care 2010 Dec;25(4):656.e1-6, P. 656.e2
21, 23 Frontiers in Immunology 2019 Jun 19;10:1371
22 Critical Care 2010; 14(Suppl 1): P62
24, 26 Virus Research October 2, 2020; 287: 198108
25 Virus Research October 2, 2020; 287: 198108, 4.1. Melatonin and COVID-19: underlying mechanisms and possible therapeutic approaches
27 Current Neuropharmacology 2010 Sep; 8(3): 228–242
29 March 14, 2020
30 Virus Research October 2, 2020; 287: 198108, 5. Melatonin, a booster of vaccination for viral infections? 31, 32 The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology May 2020; 199: 105595

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